Monday, July 6, 2015

Pure Care Natural Soapberry Dish Soap

Finally! A dish soap alternative to the standard options!

Pure Cares' Soap Berry Dish soap is a pleasant smelling, natural alternative to the chemical laden soaps that stock the shelves at your local supermarket. Soap Berries or Soap Nuts are a fruit that has been used for centuries for cleaning while also being known for their healing properties for many skin conditions. What is really great is that Pure Care also added Aloe Vera to the mix, making this soap even gentler on your skin. Sulfate & phosphate free, with no dyes or artificial fragrances, you won't find another soap with ingredients that are as easy on the skin as this one.

But does it work?

In a word, yes. The soap is thinner than most soap you are used to, and the bubbles are not as "stiff", but what matters is that it cleaned everything that I used it on ... from glasses (that were squeaky,sparkly clean afterwards) to greasy pots and pans, everything came out just as clean as the Mrs Meyers soap that I usually use. I believe I used a bit more soap due to this being thinner to start, but that's a small price if you are looking for a dish soap alternative that is natural and/or easy on your skin.

I received this in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own.

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